Jerusalem, Navel of the World
Jerusalem is one of the most interesting places in the world. I am grateful to have spent 39 days living on Via Dolorosa, a few steps away from Golgotha. My hotel was in the center of the old city, in the thick of things. With the Holy Sepulchre just around the corner it could not possibly be more exciting. Inspired by this unusual experience I wrote an article about the Holy City. It was a major undertaking so please have a look at it. The article is in Polish though I hope the images from Jerusalem and Bethlehem will be interesting to everyone.
In brief, the holy city of Jerusalem is an incredible blend of cultures. It is deeply fascinating with its people, the clothing they wear, their houses, food, and the mesmerising sounds and smells of the Middle East. But expect to be surprised when you come to Jerusalem. It is shocking in a way.
Jerusalem, Navel of the WorldFiled under photography, travel, Tagged Jerusalem, travel
Tomasz Bobrzyński
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